Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

DPA 3A Reminder

This is a reminder that the closing date for submissions on the Development Plan Amendment for Greenhill and Unley Roads 22 February 2013.    Your opinions are valued amd we look forward to hearing from you. Whilst we have gauned a number of...

30 Year Paln Update

The DPTI response to our draft submission on DPA 3A, as I reported back on the 8th September, seems to be one of do as we say, with them indicating there are a number of non negotiable as we go to the Minister for approval to go back to Public Consultation.We agreed...

30 Year Plan Update

Where to is the question to ask with the Government dismissing the Integrated Design Commission as one of its cost saving initiatives in the current budget.The Administration has been working with the Integrated Design Commission (IDC) and 5000+ on options to...