Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

The bastion of local news the Eastern Courier is divorcing 1/3 of the residents of the City of Unley. City of Unley residents living west of Goodwood Road will be divorced from our local community. All thanks to a faux pas by the Messenger Press.

The Eastern Courier, which reports on the affairs of the City of Unley, will be no more for these residents. It will no longer be delivered to the doors of any resident living west of Goodwood Road. They have removed Clarence Park, Black Forest, Forestville, Everard Park, Goodwood, Wayville and Millswood residents from their circulation.


The Messenger Press have determined that it is in their best interests and the interests of their readers to change the distribution of their free weekly papers. If you live west of Goodwood Road you will now be considered a beach goer. You will be part of the circulation of the Coast to City News.

Coast to City News will take over the area previously covered by the Guardian Messenger. It will also be our paper.

This paper will keep us up to date with what is happening at Richmond Oval rather than Unley Oval. It will keep us up to date with events along Adelaide’s beaches rather than the parks near where we live. You will miss out on hearing about an upcoming film event at Page Park at Clarence Park. We will hear not about flooding in Brownhill Creek, but rather damage to the jetty at Brighton.

We will get to know about opportunities to have our say about the initiatives of the City of Marion, the City of West Torrens and curiously the City of Holdfast. But not the City of Unley.

We in the west of Unley will become part of Adelaide’s greater west and we will therefore be divorced from our local community.

Are you happy with being divorced from our local community? If not I suggest you lodge your protest with the Messenger Press.