Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Black Forest Residents will be asked shortly to attend a public forum in the Clarence Park Community Centre to discuss options that have been designed by our staff to address the various issues identified in the recent Local Area Traffic Management survey.

Central to the design options will be the treatment of Canterbury Terrace which will now be part of the Greenways Bike Path. This will also impact on the residents of Parker Terrace because we have combined the solutions for the re vegetation of the Rail line between Canterbury and Parker Terraces.
Three options will be offered for this .
A full copy of the report can be found at
The highlights, apart from addressing the future needs of Canterbury Terrace, include but is not limited to:
1   The traffic data did not back up concerns about excessive speeds.
2   A number of options for addressing Bryon Road are included in the report.
3   One option, limiting parking for the Byron Road bend (at the playground)
4   A half road closure (see in the report) for the Canterbury East Avenue intersection to allow bikes to cross east Avenue
5   Kerb build outs are suggested in lieu of pedestrian refuges along East Avenue
There are some issues identified that require more input before offering solutions.
This has been a great combined effort, residents and council working together but the party has not finished yet. We have some more discussions before we can reasonably believe we have addressed hat needs to be addressed.

Thank you to everyone who participated, and who will again at the forum. Invitations will go out shortly for this.

PS       The Leah Street speed cushions (not in Black Forest of course) were identified as a major concern.