Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Below is the announcement of my initiative to have residents aware of our upcoming Street Sweeping program which I have previously blogged about.


City of Unley Street Sweep Trial

commencing July 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

In an effort to improve our service, Council is launching a trial program whereby residents receive notification from Council advising of the impending arrival of the street sweeper.

What is the purpose of the trial?
The City of Unley street sweeping program runs two road sweepers. The aim is to sweep the cities roads once every 10-20 working days (depending on time of year).  In addition, heavy leaf fall streets are swept on demand (eg Victoria Avenue and Northgate Street). Compared to other Councils this is considered a high level of service.

Why is the trial program necessary?

Each week the City of Unley Customer Service Team receives emails and telephone calls requesting their street to be swept.  In some instances the streets have been swept without the resident being aware that it has happened!

Residents have indicated they would like to know when the street sweeper is due in their street so they can sweep up street tree debris ready for collection and/or move cars from the street.
What will the trial program achieve?

The aim of the Trial is to advise interested residents the day before the street sweeper will be in their street.

The benefits for the resident and Council include:

  • Residents being able to move parked vehicles off the street to enable the sweeper to have free access to the street surface.
  • Enables residents to sweep footpath debris onto the road for collection knowing it would be collected.  Please note the pile is to be no higher than the kerb and must not contain sticks and branches.
Who is involved in the trial program?
The City of Unley has contacted residents from each street sweeping area who have previously contacted Council requesting a sweep of their street or to have piles of street sweepings collected inviting them to participate in the trial.
Can I be involved in the trial program?
It was decided to trial the service prior to offering the service to all residents within the City to gauge the success or otherwise of the program.  The trial is expected to be completed in December 2012 at which time feedback will be measured and a decision to expand the program will be made.

Participation in the trial is voluntary and participants may remove their details from the trial at any time.
If you would like to be involved in the trial please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 8372 5111.
How will I get notified?

Residents participating in the trial will nominate their preferred contact method, ie SMS, email, facebook or twitter.
When do I get notified?
The day before the sweeper is in your area a notification will be sent to each resident by their nominated method advising the sweeper will be in their street the following day. This will be subject to terms and conditions listed below.
What if the street sweeper cannot make it on the day?
If the street is unable to be swept as advised a second notification will be sent advising of the delay.  This could be caused by mechanical breakdown, staff absences etc).

Any other questions?
Please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 8372 5111.