Council is now ready to implement one of my successful motions at the February Council meeting concerning the redevelopment of Unley Oval.
After a rescission motion in April failed we are now ready for public consultation over the use of picket fencing around the Oval.
We have obtained quotes for fencing and in the process determined where and how large openings should be to maintain the openness that the oval provides now for ease of use for the whole community.
That means we now have a firm proposal for our community to consider, not something we all have to imagine.
Installation of the fence will provide safety benefits and enhance the “English village green” feel of the oval. The fencing will also provide comfort to other users of the oval knowing that the public is protected from their activities. The oval would remain available for community use during times that no structured sporting activity is underway.
A proposed concept plan is available to view at:
– the area between the McKay grandstand and the Oatey grandstand at Unley Oval;
– the foyer of the Unley Council Civic Centre
– the Goodwood and Unley Libraries
– the Goodwood, Unley, Clarence Park and Fullarton Park Community Centres
You are invited to provide your feedback on this proposal by completing the feedback form; writing toUnley Oval Picket Fence Consultation, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061; or by emailing[email protected].
This consultation will conclude at 5pm, Friday, 25 July 2014.
I have yet to see the plans showing this and will provide them on this blog site as soon as I can obtain them.
For further thoughts on this you might check out our Mayor’s blog post.
Great stuff Don.
We need another 11 like you on Council.
Thank you Betty. I trust you will make a submission.