Interested in offering your opinion after reading my last blog post. Then the 2020-21 annual business plan and the budget can be viewed on the Council website. I encourage you to check it out and provide your opinion.
The web page includes links to our revised Community Plan 2033, to the Annual Business Plan & Budget, to our Long Term Financial Plan. There is a link also to a small explanatory video.
Rather just know the highlights, then read on.
From a Business Plan point of view Clarence Park Ward features well with the following initiatives included.
- Road repairs & maintenance to East, Kelvin, Oakfield, Rosslyn & Birkdale Avenues, and Hammond Street.
- Design of Millswood Croquet Clubrooms
- Integrated Design for Mills Street (resulting from LATM 3) along with Stormwater drainage upgrade
- Pedestrian Refuge adjacent Rise & Grind on East Avenue (also part of LATM 3).
- Stormwater drainage upgrade for Francis Street, William Street and Birkdale Avenue
- Clarence Park Community Centre to get an access control system upgrade and resurfacing of the hall floor.
- Tennis SA to get wall crack repairs
- Fairmont Tennis Centre to get fence repairs
- Millswood Bowling Club to have their airconditioning replaced.
- Page Park to get an irrigation upgrade
- Princess Margaret Playground to get a soft fall paving upgrade
Other highlights include the following:
- Acceleration of our tree planting program. An extra 440 trees planted to help improve our tree canopy cover.
- The ever popular greening of verges continues. I would have loved to have seen the amount allocated increased, given we have a waiting list well capable of allowing this.
- Protecting our significant trees by conducting a survey of our significant trees.
- Continuation of the Brownhill Creek masterplan
- Unley Gourmet Gala and Santos Tour Down Under remains in the budget. This may not occur if Covid-19 event restrictions remain. Could be a good way of celebrating the removal of same.
- We have included planning for sesquicentennial celebrations likewise. Whether by way of events, or by other means we need to mark this milestone in our history. Any such celebration of course can be part of next years budget.