Councillor Don Palmer

Environmental Health Services-Shared Services

An alternative has been provided the City of Unley in sharing services for the provision of Environmental Health Services.


The Council’s partner in Centennial park Cemetary may be the ideal partner for Environmental Health.

As I reported in a blog on the 15th April Council considered a report discussing the City of Unley becoming a constituent member council of the Eastern Health Authority (EHA) for the provision of Environmental Health Services. Following consideration of this item, Council resolved that alternative opportunities for shared services be explored and reported back to Council in June 2012.

That report has been completed and submitted to us at our upcoming City Strategy and Policy committee meeting . We will be asked in that meeting to consider a partnership with the City of Mitcham.

Meetings have been held with representatives from the City of Mitcham to explore the potential to share Environmental Health Services. 
The sharing of the Manager role would enable time for consideration of a more advanced shared services model.
I suspect this will provide a more cost beneficial solution than that we considered back in April and one where we are not contributing to another level of bureaucracy for the sake of it and not losing control over the process of delivery of services.

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