Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Management have commenced the process of setting up next year’s budget. Yes. This early. As part of this process they have evaluated the condition of the footpaths that remain to complete the replacement program.

We can “reasonably” expect (no guarantees) that the three streets noted as having a high priority will get the priority scheduling for next year. Whatever happens we should see all streets finally brick paved by 2018.


Birkdale Avenue High
Hackett Avenue High
Kelvin Avenue High
Cowper Road Medium
Argyle Avenue Medium
Ellesmere Terrace Medium
Gray Street Medium
Selkirk Avenue Medium
Winifred Ave Low
Irwin Avenue Low
Irwin Avenue Low
Eglington Avenue Low
Laught Avenue Low
Hill Court Low


The priorities noted by admin seem on the surface to me to be reasonable. If you have any observations however to make please let me know.