Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

The Eastern Courier has yet another storey this week on the Brownhill Creek flood mitigation project and it is entitled “Ideas are still flooding in”. Check the link below for series of questions to the project director Michael Salkeld and his answers.

This electronic version comes with a fly over, which although it was nice viewing I am not sure it helps.

It is pleasing to hear him say in answer to a question related to the dam that environmental, heritage and social factors will be taken into consideration when the concept grows from the current concept phase to the detail stage.

This article confirms that a post consultation report is due to be given to each of the affected councils shortly so I guess I can say watch this space.

PS    I am not sure if I have noted this in previous blogs but I am expected Unley’s elected members to visit the site of the proposed dam, and I think that may not be too far away.
