by Don Palmer | Jun 1, 2018 | business plan, LGA, Local Government
As covered in my recent Lunatic Asylum blog post a claim being made by many elected members in the industry. This includes from within Unley Council. They claim there is no benefit to Councils being a member of the LGA? Indeed, two questions have been asked in our...
by Don Palmer | May 31, 2018 | LGA
With a Local Government election looming the Lunatic Asylum is now active at Local Government level. Many in our industry, including from within Unley Council, are calling for the LGA to be abolished. At the very least some are questioning whether their own Council...
by Don Palmer | May 23, 2017 | LGA
Acting on behalf of our Mayor, as your Deputy Mayor, I attended last months LGA Ordinary General Meeting. A number of initiatives were passed for action by the LGA. Below is a summary from LGA President Lorraine Rosenberg on the outcomes from the LGA Ordinary General...
by Don Palmer | Jul 21, 2016 | LGA
Councils – the lean machine: that is the catch phrase for a new publicity program being put out by the Local Government Association (LGA). In the early days of this blog site I started a similar series albeit, with apologies, not completed. With the recent...
by Don Palmer | Jul 12, 2013 | LGA
This is your big chance. You can have your say into how Councils might look into the future.The State Government some time back commissioned a Local Excellence Local Expert Panel to look into what the Council of the Future would look like, headed by by former State...
by Don Palmer | Aug 15, 2012 | LGA
Bob Such’s push for Big is Beautiful as the panacea for the future of Councils in South Australia has had the headlines in recent times. In the meantime the Local Government Industry has been active in defining it’s own future and not with a simply...