Council’s new Community Event Sponsorship Program is being launched with the calling now of applications.
Rather than using our current system that has two application periods each year with a maximum grant of $4,000.00 and having to reapply in subsequent years for the same event we will have one application per annum. It will allow for multi-year applications that will allow for better and certainty in planning for organisations. Sponsorship packages of up to $6,000 including in-kind support with a maximum cash component of $5,000 will be possible for the larger events.
It has been developed to assist individuals, community groups, organisations and not-for-profit groups to coordinate events that directly benefit the City of Unley community.
Applications for sponsorship will be considered for eligible festivals and events that can deliver against the program’s assessment criteria. The City of Unley looks to support events that best align with the criteria and provide a return on investment by enhancing our annual events calendar, offering free or discounted, quality activities to the community and displaying a high level of excellence in administration and delivery.
Event organisers will in future apply under a three-tier structure for sponsorship, which allows for an equitable and balanced approach in considering applications against the assessment criteria. The tiers categorise events according to their size and scope and take in to account the degree of community benefit and impact.
Applications for the first formal round are now open and will close on Friday 31 July. Details will be up on the website soon.