Most of us recognise that there is a new look for Councils. It runs very much deeper however than is being recognised.
Yes. As my last blog post undoubtedly shows, the new City of Unley will consist of 8 women and 5 men represents this new look for Councils. We all know this is a gender turnaround of significance. It redresses a historic gender imbalance.
This is a trend across local government. Complimenting this trend we see also many Mayoral positions now occupied by women.
There is no doubt that this will changes the dynamic of Council.
A more significant dynamic, as yet not recognised, is the spread of ages on this new Council. This Council has representatives, by my judgement, in each age decade from under 30’s to over 80’s.
This to me is a much bigger shift than the gender shift. The previous council had but two members under the age I suggest of 50.
The contribution to any debate is going to be much fuller than it has been in the two terms of Council I have been a member of. As my co-councillor has oft said the last Council could be describes as a grey haired, retired, gentleman’s club. That is a far cry from this new Council.
Cross gender input will provide depth to the debate. Cross generational input will provide even greater depth. A clear new look for Councils, at least this one as I predicted in my blog post of October 9.
Further than this the age demographic shows up yet another dynamic.
This Council and possibly the next Council history may show as transitional Councils. Councils leading to a generational change.
The final observation I believe with this Council is that those of us remaining from the previous Council/s have a significant obligation. It will be incumbent on us to provide leadership in helping the new members to develop into the Unley Communities next generation of leaders.
Your Clarence Park Ward Councillors provide this.