Council is requesting input from ratepayers and users of Unley Oval for the next stage in the Unley Oval Improvement Plan.
A forgotten component to the plan is reconfiguring the hill in the north west corner. This is where the oft visited pirate ship is located. The equipment is quite old. We have allocated funds in the current budget to upgrade the playground.
Since the commencement of the improvement plan the focus has been on how improvements to the ground will favour the Sturt FC. It is time now to bring the focus back to our kids.
Council does not have any firm ideas on what the playground might look like. We are seeking community feedback to help us develop a great new space.
Whilst the ‘hilltop’ playground is not aimed at any particular age group at present, the upgrades will consider play opportunities for age 5-12 years. The playground on the other side of the Oval caters for children younger than this.
Things you might consider include ideas from the following list without being limited to it:
- Replacement of the existing pirate ship and woodchip softfall with new play equipment and softfall, aimed at age 5-12 years.
- The existing seat/table be retained or maybe relocated. The existing ‘daisy swing’ may or may not be retained.
- New play equipment (specify type) be installed in (generally) the same location as the existing playground (top of the hill).
- The view of the oval and Adelaide hills will be maintained.
- No change to the hill/mound
- Other
We have determined that a shade structure will not be installed as part of this project and the existing natural shade will continue to be used.
Please give us your thoughts on the next stage in the Unley Oval Improvement Plan via one of the following methods:
- Call us on 8372 5111
- email us at [email protected]
- visiting the your say webpage here.