Councillor Don Palmer

Princess Margaret Playground Arbour rectification Underway

The repair the Arbour has commenced being the westilai vine has been cut back, the new concrete beams are being manufactured and are to be installed by end of September.

Admin advised at a briefing on ward matters last Thursday that they are planning is to close the park during the week of 30 Sept to install the new concrete structure.

If you have any parties planned during this week I suggest you contact the council to confirm if access is available for that day and time.

Once complete the playground will have seen it’s revelation complete, new playground equipment, soft fall paving under play equipment, new bar-b-que and now repairs to the heritage listed arbour.

It has always been a great playground, going back to when my mother in law was a voluntary playground supervisor. And now even better for those who use it, and many do…one of the more popular playgrounds in the wider Adelaide reach.

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