Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Council has just started our 2nd round of community engagement for the Active Ageing Strategy which will run until close of business, Monday 31 August 2015.


Active Ageing


The purpose of this round of community engagement is to seek your feedback on the draft Active Ageing Strategy which was put together after the 1st round of consultation.

This feedback will ensure that we’ve captured the key priorities and actions to meet the need of our community as they age, both now and into the future.  Comments received will be considered in refining and finalising the Strategy which is to be presented to Council in October 2015.

You can find out more and have your say in the following ways:

  • Online:  visiting us online at to review the draft Active Ageing Strategy, read the related information and participate the forum.
  • Hard Copy:  An extensive mail out is being distributed which will include a cover letter, feedback form and fact sheet.  Alternatively you may if you wish collect and return the forms as well as seek out further information in person (as below).
  • In Person:  You can visit one of our Libraries, Community Centres and Customer Centre to collect and return your feedback form, read a fact sheet or read/obtain a copy of the Strategy
  • By Phone:  To request a copy of the Strategy or a feedback form