Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

In this blog I hope to answer the question Transforming King William Road- where to from here?


The need to transform King William Road was addressed in my last blog. In this blog I provide some insight into what is planned next. So…..Transforming King William Road- where to from here?

The parklets that were located in Opey Avenue and in Bloomsbury Street have been relocated as other businesses have indicated to Council  desire to have them in front of their businesses. Turning the street into a more people friendly environment is being appreciated.

The locations where there were will not revert back to the old days of a year or more ago. Use of the parklets has always been for a time limited period. These street intersections with King William Road however are about to be permanently transformed.

Opey AvenueBoth businesses who requested the original parklets are so impressed they want a permanent solution. In April work will commence on constructing kerb build outs at both Opey and Bloomsbury.



These build outs will benefit all businesses in that they will, we expect, attract people to stop and stay awhile at King William Road. They will be similar to what has already been constructed on the corner of Unley Road. Whilst built for safety reasons it is obvious by casual observation that this is a popular hang out for people shopping in our precinct.

The build outs will still allow two cars to travel through the intersection but it will be more pedestrian friendly in that:

it will be a raised area, at the same height as the adjacent footpaths.

bollards will be strategically located around  the corners

the area will be landscaped

protected seating will be provided

For your reference and knowing Transforming King William Road- where to from here the link below to our website will take you to the KWR document – page 48 describes the Side street intersections under the Curated Street Concept.

Click to access Att%201%20Item%201194%20FCM%2028%20July%202014.pdf