Unley Council wants you to help with walking and cycling in the suburbs of Unley. We ask you to go to our Have Your Say web page.
Then let us know what you believe is the best way of ensuring safe and enjoyable or simply improving walking and cycling through the streets of the suburbs of Unley.
In passing legislation allowing cyclists to use footpaths the State Government has put cycling on the map. Everyone is talking about it. We still hear comments on talk back radio and in letters to the editor. What better time to engage you in helping us with our own walking and cycling plan.
We (Unley Council) have been working on a walking and cycling strategy of our own for some time now. The result of that work is a draft walking and cycling strategy.
The next step is we are asking you to help us with determining the immediate future of walking and cycling in Unley.
With 27 persons per hectare Unley has the most dense population of any metropolitan council in Adelaide. This is ideal for walking and cycling. The 2011 Census indicates indeed that the residents of Unley are more likely to walk or ride to work.
Recognising this, over the years Council has made a number of decisions that has resulted in one of the best environments to walk or cycle, whether socially or as a commuter to work or school, or to the bus or train. Decisions like creating a council wide 40 kph speed zone, like installing the cities first Wombat Crossing (in Arthur Street) against the departments “better” judgement. A number of other initiatives have been implemented since Council’s 2005 Bicycle plan was adopted.
We of course are an important component to the Government’s Mike Turtur and Greenways bikeways.
The draft plan builds on these achievements and will inform council programs for the next 5 years.
So please hop onto our have your say webpage on walking and cycling, study the plan and provide your input before the end of this month into what we are proposing and/or making suggestions for enhancements.