Councillor Don Palmer

Brownhill & Keswick Creek Stormwater Project

Further to my recent post on the additional options that were presented to the City of Mitcham recently I note that the consultants themselves, Worley Parsons, indicated in the workshop they presented for us that, without conducting any feasibility studies into these 5 options, that the recommended option currently out for public consultation is still the most effective in mitigating the instances of flooding from stormwater events.

Our staff are also busy preparing our response to the current draft plan. We have identified areas that we believe have been omitted and which should be included such as ensuring the culvert under Unley Road is included in the plan. The culvert is a state government responsibility through the newly formed Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), formerly DTEI.

Once the consultation with stakeholders has concluded a new workshop (in the new year of course) will be scheduled for elected members to shape our response.

Should any of the 5 other options be found to be feasible (and I struggle to see that they are) then the project will have to back out again for further consultation. If this were to happen who knows how much longer it will take to get to a 5 council agreement.

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