Councillor Don Palmer

Eastern Courier wrong again on Goodwood Library Backdown.

The Goodwood Library backdown heading shows this week again the Eastern Courier is again spinning an inaccurate storey about Unley Council.

For the second time it concerns Council’s intentions for the Goodwood Library.  And this on the back of an apology for getting the original storey wrong.


So once again I find I must try to put the record straight. There has been no Goodwood Library backdown on closing the Library. There has been no Goodwood Library backdown on converting space for commercial lease.

The original Eastern Courier storey on the Goodwood Library was incorrect on a number of counts. They focused not on the motion we passed on the night which went against our administration suggestions. They picked up in lieu on comments made in the report from our administration suggesting what “may” be included in a review.

To their credit they apologised for this in the next edition. All too late though as the damage was done. On the back of that article we experienced a community backlash of significance. Rate payers were incensed over us wishing to do something we actually had not planned to do but which everyone believed we did. Some of that  backlash was quite hostile too. All because they believed what was written by the press.

This week we see a storey that continues to perpetuate the original myth by claiming we have backed down on the decision to close the library, you know, the decision we HAD NOT taken.

Back down we did though, but on what.

In my opinion what we did do is back down on what the legislation that governs us indicates we must do. We backed down on doing a full and thorough review of our library services. We backed down on responsible government.

The reason for the back down. Because we don’t want to alienate rate payers with a perception that is not correct.

This I view as an irresponsible decision. A decision made to placate those who do not know the facts. A decision that, although made for the right reasons, abrogates our responsibility to our community to ensure they are getting the best value for the services we provide.


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