Councillor Don Palmer

Mike Turtur Cyclist/Pedestrian count

The confusion continues and so I find a need to blog yet again on this subject. Are you aware of a Mike Turtur Cyclist/Pedestrian count conducted yesterday?


I was one who was counted as I walked the precinct. Others I am aware of also witnessed the count going on. Nobody knew why but we all guessed that it might have something to do with the Mike Turtur Bikeway Overpass.

Being unable to ascertain what the count was about I have asked our administration if they know about the count and why it was being conducted. They advised it was undertaken by DIT (as some of us thought). They were observing pedestrians and cyclists at eight locations within and adjacent to the Goodwood Railway Station. It went as far as the tram crossing over Leah Street where I was picked up.

This survey was organised, I am informed, by the Department. It is part of data gathering for the Mike Turtur Bikeway Overpass Project. The counts occurred yesterday during daylight hours. A second date is proposed on Monday 7 March 2022 (to be confirmed). So our guess was correct.

Any queries I encourage should be directed to the Department’s Community Engagement team.

My guess is that SCAP requires this information to allow them to better assess the DA that has been lodged with them. Given this and that SCAP are not assessing it until May, you have to wonder why DIT via PTPA has signalled March as the commencement of construction.

This surely does not help their credibility within the Unley community, not that it is good anyway.


PS With SCAP not assessing until their May meeting, Council has determined we will consider it at our May meeting. This should be 2 weeks later.

PSS See you at the public meeting adjacent to the BBQ on Sunday. It commences at 2.00 pm

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