Yes, when it comes to sorting rubbish, I ask what sort are you?
The Unley Council has a long history of addressing the need to be vigilant over where we send our rubbish. We were one of the first to introduce multiple bin collections, as evidenced by our use of the blue bin. Subsequent adoption by Councils at large saw the introduction of the red bin.
The multiple bin approach aims to ensure the best disposal of our waste. Best environmentally and from a global warming point of view. Best also from a cost perspective.
It is all well and good, however, having a disposal program aimed at improving our environment, if we as a community don’t take advantage of it. If one of our yellow or green bins has as little as 1% contamination, the whole bin must go to landfill.
So again, I ask you, what sort are you when it comes to sorting your rubbish?
Are you the sort to fastidiously sort your rubbish? Are you the sort to try but you struggle with it? Or are you someone who believes it is not my problem and puts all their rubbish in whatever bin happens to be the one due this week?
Several of us do the right thing and ensure we sort our rubbish appropriately. I am aware of some who struggle. Disturbingly, however, many simply don’t sort. I have seen this firsthand.
Walking our streets, I see green bins with large plastic bags. I see cardboard containers jammed in as well. The same occurs with the yellow bin. I see lawn cuttings in this bin as well, as I do with the blue bin.
I have heard that they are those who take the attitude that I pay my rates and therefore the council should accept what I do. That is sad and so counterproductive. The fact of the matter is if we get our sorting right, we reduce the cost of waste to landfill, which would reduce our costs and therefore the rates you pay.
If you are the sort-to-sort appropriately, can you do us a favour, please? Help us in our promotion to those who “don’t give a sort”. Or at least to those who are trying and are confused as to how. Point them to
Recently returned from Japan – where they do things VERY differently! Every municipality does it their way – some sort up to 44 different categories!
Generally no rubbish to be seen anywhere ( with smoking and discarding your butt in public subject to heavy fines)
We found it very odd in Japan, over 10 years ago, so it might have changed, that you could smoke inside in public places, eg restaurants, but not outside. Rather the opposite of the mentality in Australia. Sorry, that’s getting off topic.
Hi Don, Just wanted to check: I believe that it’s okay to put cardboard in the green bin, the logic being if it’s clean it goes in recycling, if it isn’t clean it goes in the green bin. But yes, it would be great if contamination wasn’t happening. Is it fair to say, if in doubt put it in the blue bin? Ie if there is a bin that is going to get something wrong put in it, the consequences of making it the blue one aren’t as bad….
That too is my understamding Cathy. Soiled pizza boxes in the green bin, clean ones in the yellow bin. And yes “if in doubt throw it out”
Do you wanna talk about rubbish Don. Well let’s talk about rubbish then.
What’s this rubbish about me not being able to get a parking permit from council for my trailer. Please explain what is the difference between my car and my trailer I pay rego for both to legally park on the road , why do you and your council discriminate against trailers. Trailers have rights too Don ….. this is garbage of the highest order . Please review your policy to provide equal rights to both trailers and cars .After all Don we are all in this together.
Apologies in not gettign back sooner.
Please ring or email me so that I can better understand what you have experienced.
I am aware of trailers that have been and/or are permananety parked in the street. I am also aware that trailers (caravans) exceeding I bleieve 7.5m in length are not permitted to park for more than an hour.
Hello Don
I was visiting a dear friend in Lorraine Avenue yesterday and she was of the belief that council will be soon taking away our recycle bin and replacing it with an extra green bin. Could you please confirm this ?
Not so and sorry for the delay in responding.
We would dearly love to introduce weekly green bins. There is no way that this would be at the expense of the yellow bin.