by Don Palmer | Mar 30, 2023 | Neighbourhood Watch
Is there still a role for Neighbourhood Watch in Clarence Park & Millswood? What about introducing it in Black Forest? Neighbourhood Watch aims to reduce crime by encouraging the community to watch out for and report suspicious activity to the police or Crime...
by Don Palmer | Jan 6, 2023 | Trees
Queensland Box concerns have been one of the perennials that City of Unley Rate Payers express. Since the recent local government election, I have seen these Queensland Box concerns growing in at least the Clarence Park Ward. Many ratepayers have expressed concerns...
by Don Palmer | Dec 22, 2022 | South Road
The latest North-South Corridor reference design is open for public review. The Department of Infrastructure (DIT) is keen to hear from us/you. The Government (through DIT) have announced their much-awaited new reference design for the north-south corridor....
by Don Palmer | Dec 7, 2022 | Trees
One of my election promises was to continue to pursue improvements to the new Planning & Design Code. You have an opportunity to help me do this. The Planning & Design Code, created initially by then State Labor Planning Minister John Rau and adopted by the...
by Don Palmer | Nov 17, 2022 | Election
Local government elections often stimulate the community to raise issues of concern. The recent election is no different. I have heard the issues raised during the election by you. While I came to you initially with 5 commitments, this grew once I became aware...