Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

The announcement of the regarding John Rau’s announcement of the Inner Metro Growth Project going back out to public consultation has restarted the conversation.

A number of views have been posted on the Adelaide Now website.

And Sonia Feldhoff interviewed Prospect’s Mayor David O’Laughlin and our very own Mayor, Laughlin Clyne and the audio is available on the link below

Unley took the view form the very beginning that we wanted to influence as much as possible what the end result would be. It is important to note that a Development Plan is,at the end of the day, the Minister’s Plan. He can make changes without consulting us if that is the way he feels. We cannot in reverse; if we want a change we need his approval.

Had we not worked with DPTI then we would have likely had a DPA that we or our residents did not want.

As a result of this co-operation we are comfortable with how it is progressing as our Mayor indicates in the audio above.

There is still some fine tuning we would like to see and I am sure you would too. To that end, please take advantage of making  your representation, falling my suggestions in my earlier post of this week.