The DPTI response to our draft submission on DPA 3A, as I reported back on the 8th September, seems to be one of do as we say, with them indicating there are a number of non negotiable as we go to the Minister for approval to go back to Public Consultation.
We agreed (reluctantly) to accept these non negotiables at our last Council meeting (Monday of this week) in order to get the draft to the Minister. In so doing though your Councillors unanimously agreed to let the Minister know that we have reservations about the DPTI approach.
The motion that was passed included the following item:
The Minister for Planning be advised that before Council finalises its position in regard to several matters in the Development Plan Amendment, it wishes to consider feedback from the local community during the consultation process, as there are still matters where the Council has reservations about the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure requirements.
I would presume the Minister will do his due diligence and send it back to us so that we can again go out to our community. At that time our residents and rate payers will get another opportunity for input into the plan before finalisation.
You can then determine and advise whether the DPTI version is acceptable to you, whether you prefer council’s attempts for a softer result, or indeed other options.