Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Council this week supported a strategic hierarchy approach to street cleansing that delivers an improved maintenance regime, increased service for strategic locations, and result in more efficient use of Council resources.


One of the first and possibly one of the most frequent concerns I have had put to me by residents is their street is not cleansed often enough.

Street cleansing is a vital local government service that helps manage the impact of modern urban life (e.g. traffic, movement, construction, and commercial activity) throughout the City. The City of Unley has 168.7 km of roads, 336 km of footways and about 1640 side entry pits (SEP’s).

A hierarchy approach to street cleansing model has been developed based on a number of key criteria: asset classification (intention), use, location, civic and strategic importance, and a ‘fit for purpose’ to service delivery.

The implementation of a hierarchy approach to street cleansing will result in an improved maintenance regime, increased service for strategic locations and higher use areas, and result in a more efficient use of Council resources (staff, financial and equipment). It is intended to implement a similar approach across other appropriate asset classes.

Presently, Council does not have a stated level of service for street cleansing. It is proposed to introduce a level of service for the cleansing program that supports good asset management principles, the Community Plan, customer service and a fit for purpose approach while optimising the output of allocated resources.

The table below describes the proposed level of service and has considered guidelines that accompany the Environment Act, asset management principles and customer expectations. Initially, a 12 month trial period is proposed to ascertain the effectiveness of the program.


Asset Classification Recommended Level of Service
Precinct Level One Weekly
Precinct Level Two Fortnightly
Precinct Level Three Monthly
Arterial Roads Fortnightly
Areterial Footways Monthly, plus heavy leaf fall, spring & summer drop
Collector Roads Monthly
Collector Footways Bi Monthly, plus heavy leaf fall, spring & summer drop
Local Roads 6 weeks
Local Footways 3 times per year, plus heavy leaf fall, spring & summer drop
Laneways Bi Monthly
Side Entry Pits – Top 50 (high flood zone) Annual
Side Entry Pits -Other Bi-Annual
Shared Paths Monthly
Carparks Forms part of precincts