A radio interview this morning adds light to an observation made in my post on simmering tempers
the observation was:
After reporting on this blog site not that long ago that workers were being congratulated for getting the project ahead of schedule it my understanding listening to DPTI CEO on Monday night before our last council meeting that trains will be running again on the Seaford (Noarlunga) line in December. By my calculation that is 3 months after what was originally promoted.
This morning on Radio Talk back 5AA the breakfast team interviewed a representative of DPTI about the transport issues over this weekend of Clipsal, Soundwave and Fringe activities. During this interview it was revealed the “DEISEL trains would be running on the Seaford Line from September and the ELECTRIC trains from December.
This is a point not picked up by me (orI dare say the majority of elected members) when Rod Hook spoke before our last meeting.
So they are still on time, or ahead.