Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Unley will again be supporting the SALA Festival. This will be our 7th year and we will focus on to events.

  • The coordination of Where Business Meets Art

This is a project developed in conjunction with Unley’s five Main Street Traders Associations for businesses and artists to participate in our ongoing initiative to put art in our shops, cafes and businesses. 

This year over 40 businesses will display work in a variety of mediums from around 120 artists. This continues to be the single largest response to SALA in any metropolitan area.

  • SALA on Show 

This event returns to Soldiers Memorial Gardens and Unley Shopping Centre on Sunday 24 August starting around 10.30am and going to 5pm.

This is the closing event for the state-wide Festival. 

The event predominantly allows over 600 pieces of work to be sold by artists in one day. Last year it attracted over 5 000 people and there was excellent feedback on the economic return from the local traders. 

It will be hosted in an area in front of Coles at Unley Shopping Centre and the music and ‘artists on the street’ elements will spill over on to the paths of the Shopping Centre and the Soldiers Memorial Gardens.  The Art Gallery of SA will be bringing workshops for families. 

On behalf of Council I invite you to take the time to get out and explore the world of visual arts in August and check out our exciting and diverse projects.