It appears on checking my statistics that blogging certainly does help to keep a community informed. In some cases it also helps to engender and maintain a conversation.
Prompted by my colleague Cr Mike Hudson from over in Parkside who recently blogged the statistical history of his blog site I thought I would check the statistics of my own site.
We both commenced blogging around the same time and low and behold we have both posted similar quantities of blogs, hopefully all meaningful. He has posted 1207 blogs and I 972 in the same time. He has experienced over 50,000 views, and on checking I have experienced 59,656.
That is an amazing number of views. Of course they are not all from the Goodwood South Ward of the City of Unley, they are from around Australia and the World.
Interestingly Mike perhaps writes more controversially then do I, I might be considered more informational. This is reflected in his having received over 900 comments. I know from conversations with him that many, if not the majority, will be centered around his observations on Unley Oval.
I have received 192 comments, all of which I cherish because in the ain they have helped inform me on where my neighbours sit on a number of issues close to their heart.