Elected members have have some heavy reading to do after receiving ahead of the public release the final report prepared but the joint Council steering committee.
8 Options have been narrowed down by the steering committee to one preferred option.
The report will go before full council I believe at the end of this month for the purpose only of receiving it and determining the timing of public consultation. This needlessly is most likely going to be early next year under the auspices of the new council.
With council going into caretaker mode as of next Tuesday this is the only course of action available to Council.
The report is available on Council’s website here.
It is a comprehensive report and if you are at all interested in the flood mitigation project I encourage you to do what we will have to do. Read it. As I try to get my head around the report and more importantly the reasons behind their recommendations I would appreciate your input, either via this blog site, via email or phone.
Personally I am not convinced about the costings they have provided us, particularly for their recommended option, but more about that later.