2011 Budget Initiatives for:
1 Goodwood South
Budget initiatives were endorsed by Council last Monday night. You will have an opportunity to have your say by attending the public meetings or by submitting a written submission. The dates for these public meetings will be advised through the Eastern Courier Messenger and this blog site.
Jennie & I have succeeded in getting the following initiatives for Goodwood South into the budget;
ü Completion of road works to Aroha Terrace and Norman Street,
ü Footpaths for Lincoln Ave, Oakley St, Chelmsford Av (East to Oakley) and School Ave
ü Kerb and water table for Cheltenham St, Churchill Ave, Cranbrook Ave and Cromer Pde
ü Road reseals for Cheltenham St, Churchill Ave, Cranbrook Ave and Cromer Pde
ü A traffic study for roads around Byron Road with a focus on the recently installed barriers
ü Replacing existing slow points in Mills St
ü Fencing & Dog poo bag dispenser in Page Park
ü Rubber softfall at the Princess Margaret Playground. I will push for a Bar-B-Que in next year’s budget.
Investigations are continuing into bringing the footpath program forward, including reviewing whether the progress of kerb and watertable replacements can be spread over a longer time frame. This study should be completed this year in readiness for the next budget.
2 City Wide
City wide initiatives include funding the Gap water to Goodwood Oval and to Orphanage Park, an increase in the graffiti management program and more pocket parks. Work on the Brownhill Creek upgrade has been delayed pending further research and community consultation and there is no funding in this current budget for this.
The likely rate increase will be between 5.0% and 5.5%. Whilst this may exceed the CPI it is important to recognise that the cost burdens on Council are on a range of products and services that ARE NOT included in the CPI basket of goods.