We are getting close to being ready to present council’s budget for public consultation. Yes you get a say in the final budget deliberations by attending public meetings soon to be arranged, writing a submission direct to Administration or by seeking an audience with your local member.
These meetings will be notified in the Messenger Press, and on the Coucnil web site.
At this stage Jennie and I are looking to include the following initiatives for Goodwood South Ward:
ü Footpaths for Chelmsford Avenue and Oakley Avenue behind the Goodwood Oval in Millswood and in Lincoln Ave and School Avenue in Black Forest at a total investment of around $ 75,000.00
ü A traffic study for streets in Black Forest around Byron Road, Addison Road, Coulter Avenue etc to ascertain the impact on school traffic after the constructions of under and overpasses on South Road and to evaluate the effectiveness of the speed reduction devices in Byron Avenue.
ü Kerb and water table construction for Churchill Avenue in Clarence Park, Cranbrook Avenue and Cromer Parade in Millwood at an investment of around $ 100,000.00
ü Fencing and dog poo bag dispenser for Page Park at an investment of around $ 20,000.00
ü Completion of insitu rubber softfall at the Princess Margaret Playground
ü Completion of roadwork to Aroha Terrace.
ü Resealing of roads to Churchill Avenue in Clarence Park and Cranbrook Avenue, Meredyth Avenue and Cromer Parade in Millswood and School avenue in Black Forest for an investment estimated at around $ 300,000.00
ü Replacing the existing slow point speed restriction devices in Mills Street, Clarence Park.
ü Street Barrier Fence at the south west corner of Goodwood Oval to improve safety for children using the adjacent playground.
This represents over a half million dollars in investment in the infrastructure in Goodwood South.
Goodwood South will also benefit from Goodwood Oval being connected to the GAP water project which is part of a wider City of Unley initiative.
My fellow councillor Jennie Boisvert and I have been pushing for an upgraded footpath replacement program noting that there are a number of footpaths, not only in Goodwood South but City wide where residents would place a higher priority than that being placed by Administration on when they should be replaced.
We may need to push this by way of rate payer survey because there are some in Council who believe the program can take another 20 years. Of course you can have your say at the budget consultations noted above.
I requested a BBQ in the Princes Margaret Playground but it looks like I may have to push again next year for this one. As with the footpath program we might want to survey users of this park before promoting it for next year’s budget.