Council approved last night the rate increase for the coming year on the back of approving the Annual Business Plan noted in my previous blog post this morning. The overall total revenue increase will be 4.5%
This increase is calculated on the Valuer Generals assessed capital value of all Unley properties.
This was less than the long term financial plan of 5.1% due to savings identified by management in our operational expenditure. The 4.5%increase will maintain the range and level of services currently enjoyed by the community, along with the initiatives noted in my other blog post.
The minimum rate increase will increase $ 30.00 from $ 652.00 to $ 682.00.
The increase is above CPI which will probably alarm many people, including the media experts. It is however in line with the average increase in wages noted by the Bureau of Statistics from November 2011 to November 2012. I don’t know how much your income increased last year, I know mine (as a self employed business owner) is minimal.
The Bureau of Statistics indicates an average increase in ordinary time wages during that time in South Australia of 4.5%. This can be found at[email protected]/Lookup/6302.0main+features7Nov%202012
This is exactly in line with our current rate increase, which indicates to me that for those of us who are working we have the ability to afford the increase.
I have not found statistics indicating the change in pensions. I trust they have shifted in line with wages but this I simply do not know.