Back on Monday 2nd June I posted that a local resident is keen to develop a public strategy for uplifting our local rail station in conjunction with DPTI.
I can now report that a public meeting has been organised to get it happening. It will be held in the Clarence Room of the Clarence Park Community Centre on Sunday 20th July between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
Flyers advertising the event are being designed ready for printing as we speak.
With the tree replanting by Council along Canterbury and Parker Terrace about to commence this is an ideal
time to look at beautification. Let’s face it it looks industrial right now as a result of the electrification infrastructure; a far cry from our beautiful tree lined station we all bought into when we each moved into Black Forest or Clarence Park
If you are interested in helping or finding out more let me know and I will pass your contact detail on. Likewise let us know if you can assist with letter boxing the flyer.
Dear Mr. Palmer
I agree that the place is going to look a lot better with the trees put back in place. I was shocked at the removal of all adjacent trees etc. which was presumably necessary during the installation of the overhead wires for electrification of the rail network.
However, I was most unimpressed to arrive at the station this morning to find that there is now no longer any parallel parking available alongside the station, on either Canterbury Tce or Parker Tce.
The (previously) available parking was sufficient for general use and allowed for trees to be planted in between parallel parking spaces. However, daily commuters will now be forced to line the streets of local residents with their cars each and every workday, which is presumably not going to be well-received.
Surely some kind of happy medium could have been achieved?
I am sorry you have been inconvenienced Jason.
You will be happy to know however that Parker Terrace is being renovated as we speak in readiness for not only tree planting but parking well in excess of what was available before. This is why you could not get a park yesterday or today, to allow that work to proceed.
Once complete the distance between the trees will have been reduced to allow more trees to be planted in place of those removed and more car parks, from memory about 6 more.
Please bare with us while we construct these works. I expect we the street will be re-available by the end of next week.
Firstly, may I thank you very much for your prompt response especially at this time of night – that is an outstanding commitment to your community!
Secondly, please accept my apologies for my presumptuous statement!
Thirdly, I am very pleased to hear of these plans which indeed strikes that “happy medium” I spoke of (and better). I can certainly handle missing a park for one day – thanks for your great efforts to restore the station and general area!
My pleasure Jason. I look forward to the final solution….and a few years of growth of course.