Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

After consideration of the plan was delayed in our June meeting, Council’s Climate & Energy Plan will be reconsidered next week. The delay, allowing members to better understand carbon offset credits.

Not being present at the June meeting due to a need for Covid isolation, I did not hear the argument that prompted the delay. Notwithstanding this, I understood the rationale. Accordingly, I am happy to have been provided with a better understanding of the use of carbon offset credits. In particular, understanding the role they play in achieving carbon neutrality.

The Energy Project briefed us. Their presentation reinforced my understanding. Much of the briefing did repeat information contained in the draft Climate & Energy Plan. Notwithstanding this, I learnt too, more about the various offsets available and their potential role for Unley.

With this learning conducted, Council’s Climate & Energy Plan will be reconsidered at our next full Council Meeting.

Drfat Climate & Energy PlThe next council meeting is will be held in the Civic Centre (subject to Covid restrictions) on Monday 23rd August. This is a meeting that is open to the public.

Between now and then, I will contemplate what I have learnt and consider then how I believe we should proceed. What I can say is the Plan is a constructive plan. A plan that we cannot afford to delay any further.


The sooner we can implement the strategies the better off we will all be.

One of the strengths of the plan is it recognises the need for a review as early as year three. This will provide us with an opportunity to assess if we need to make variations very early on. Similarly, it provides an opportunity to recognise other opportunities at the earliest opportunity.

Moving on and getting started is also reinforcing the leadership role noted in my last blog post.