Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Council is seen in a good light according to a recent survey we conducted. Or at least our collective Community centres.

The results of our 2017 Community Centre Customer Satisfaction Survey, undertaken in October, have been collated. 143 respondents, which is 102 more than 2016.  With the results of the survey below Council is seen in a good light:
– 87% said our customer service and support is either good or very good.
– 90% said our price/affordability is either good or very good.
– 80% said our range of programs was either good or very good.
– 87% said our range of information available was either good or very good.
– 89% said our facilities are either good or very good for what they need.
I don’t know how many of the responses came for the Clarence Park Community Centre, around the corner from me. I am sure they rate as highly, if not more highly, than the other three Community Centres. 
Some achievements from 2017 include
  • Our school holiday programs were extremely popular again across 2017 with most activities booking out across FPCC and CPCC.
  • Unley Community Centre was host to the 2017 ‘Zest Fest’ and saw 96 participants attend its High Tea celebration.
  • Clarence Park Community Centre was again ‘host’ the Premier’s Cabinet meeting in 2017.  This has proven to be a great opportunity to showcase local community programs and services available at the Centre.
  • Continued delivery of free or subsidised programs supported by State Government (DCSI) funding to run the very popular Aquacise and ‘Cooking 101’ at Unley Community Centre, the youth drop-in service and parenting seminars attended by hundreds of local families at Fullarton Park, and the very busy Playgroup at Clarence Park.
We are looking forward to another busy year ahead with a range of diverse activities and programs to engage our local community. Please refer to the 2018 Community Centres program available on our website for more detail.