While we have signed up on the 80% of the Brownhill Creek that can be done without the dam and await the “real” feasibility into the non-dam options we find the Federal & State Governments come along with what might create a dam in the middle of the Goodwood South Ward of the City of Unley.
You might well ask, what are you trying to tell us.
In a briefing from DPTI on Monday night before our Council meeting we were informed about the joint Government initiative to provide grade separation of the Noarlunga, now Seaford rail line, from the Belair line and the Freight line.
What was revealed has left this elected member in a quandary and concerned about us being railroaded into a scheme that it appears will impact totally unfairly on the community around Goodwood and Millswood.
If I understand correctly the rail grade separation will impact on the culverts that are required as part of the Brownhill Creek stormwater project. It will impact in as much as the culvert will now be diverted to allow for the Seaford line to go underground near the SASMEE Park and that these lines are to go now straight through the Millswood Sporting Complex.
The rail corridor in this area is very narrow and the combination of these two projects may impact significantly (excuse the pun) on the significant trees in the area.
And while the 5 Councils involved in the Brownhill Creek have already had extensive consultation with the public, and listened I might add to the public feedback we have the State Government telling us via their project team that they will be informing local residents in the weeks to come on the details of the project.
You heard me, informing us, not consulting with us. In other words it’s a done deal. This will be by way of door knocking which is due to start next week, forums which are yet to be announced and by access to a web site and a 1300 number.
And in my opinion they do not yet know the detail so they are not going to be able to inform with any depth of substance.
If I came even close to understanding what they are proposing I see Goodwood South paying dearly for the No Dam option on the Brownhill Creek project because the rail project is going to impact significantly on the design parameters of the proposed culvert system in this area.
We have been promised a copy of the PowerPoint presentation used but are yet to receive this.
Anyone in the affected community and with any interest in their community needs to take time to find out what the government is proposing and if they are not happy to voice this as loud as they can.
I suggest you also watch this space because if I learn anything more and can understand it I will post it here.
PS The presenter did confirm what I reported recenlty that both Kate Ellis and Steph Keys said at a recent street meeting were not aware of the detail. Interesting!