Last night I was elected by my peers to take on the role, next year, of Deputy Mayor of Unley.
This will be my second stint in the position. The first time was in 2017. On that occasion, I was Deputy to then-Mayor Lachlan Clyne.
Council elects their Deputy Mayor, under clause 51 of the Local Government Act. It is a position elected by the members of Council for terms set by Council not exceeding 4 years. Our Council has previously determined that these terms be for 12 months. In this case, it will up to the next LGA elections.
The role of Deputy Mayor, under the Local Government Act, is to
(6) In the absence of the mayor or chairperson, a deputy mayor or deputy chairperson may act in the office of mayor or chairperson.
The role of Deputy Mayor of Unley however extends to chairing briefings and workshops. This allows the Mayor a greater scope to contribute to our conversations, rather than be stuck forever in the chair.
As Deputy Mayor, I hope to not only deputise when needed but to provide support in the communications between the mayor and councillors. Likewise, to encourage elected members to request briefing topics and to take advantage of the briefings to present their own agendas. An opportunity I expect some will take advantage of. With elections a year away there is an urgency for anyone wishing to do this.
The term of this stint will commence from 1 December this year. It will extend to the end of the term of the current Council. Cr Jordan Dodd (who is seeking election in the State seat of Badcoe) was our Deputy this year, until Dec 1. Before her, Cr Peter Hughes filled the role.
In accepting the role. I indicated in the chamber that it is not my intention to run for Mayor at the Local Government elections next November.
This is Deputy Dawg. Oops! Deputy Elect Don signing off.