After the debacle that was public communication form DPTI along the rail corridor and the threat the same was going to happen again on the Greenhill Road redevelopment DPTI have shown they can listen.
I attended the first public meeting that DPTI organised fr this project. It has held in the library foyer probably believing not many people would front. That was far from the case as they quickly found out.
This meeting was far from a congenial meeting with residents quite hot under the collar about what was being proposed. I was the only elected member of Unley to attend this public meeting and it was fortuitous I believe.
The events of that night I posted on this blog site back on the 14th March so I wont cover them here.
Suffice it to say that that exchange may have heralded what we now see. DPTI honesty trying to understand the residents and accommodate their needs.
Since then the elected members representing the three affected wards have taken up the fight and with some success.
DPTI have been responsive as can be seen from the blog post of my northern neighbour Cr Bob Scnell.