As a spectator for the first half hour of last nights Community Action Group meeting I gained an understanding that DPTI will remain responsible for the landscaping of the rail corridor.
Council will have a role in that, approval for the final design will need to be obtained from council. Council will also provide a short list of suitable species from which selection can be made.
DPTI will be engaging with the residents of each affected street in turn to gain their input into what would be preferred. A Council arborist will attend these meetings, to occur during March, to further advise on what species would be suitable in this environment.
So if you live in a street bordering the rail corridor you will be getting an invitation soon to be involved in this process.
With the information obtained a plan will be produced that will go back out to you at a community open day (of which I previously have had no knowledge) for further comment before being finalised some time in April.
This is great news. It has to be the best solution, rather than Council getting involved as a principal player as, after all said and done, this is a DPTI project not a Council project.
On another note I gained a further impression that if the legislative restrictions concerning electrical safety are not an issue that the bike path MAY yet be able to go into the corridor along Cromer Parade. The proviso here is that residents will get to choose between bike path and vegetation of there is any conflict over the space they both need.
Clearly there is more to follow on both these topics.
PS I was impressed at the co-operation evident at the meeting and felt a sense that everyone appreciated the situation of the others at the meeting and that we should see communication improve as these projects roll on.