A decision to subsidise a disposal service at a local waste station was agreed to at last night’s City Strategy & Policy Committee meeting.
As an adjunct to our current hard waste pick up service we have agreed to subsidise to 100% any resident choosing to dump their e-waste at a local transfer station.
A number of radical ideas and concepts were floated last night and this, being the least expensive was agreed to. A number of the concepts considered were quite expensive and I found it hard to justify the spend that was required for all but the solution agreed to.
This may be an interim measure anyway as all Councils will be called upon by the Federal Government to participate in their yet to be released National Product Stewardship Scheme. If I understand correctly this will be subsidised by the feds but I guess we have to wait and see.
This decision has to be ratified of course at the next full Council meeting which will be in two weeks and one elected member has flagged he intends to reserve the item out for further debate at that meeting.