An opportunity to consider additional services alongside those previously presented in the adjourned report will undoubtably spark some interest at tomorrow night’s City Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting.
Three suites of services are suggested for consideration in the management of e-waste in the City of Unley
The first of these will be for a minimal addition to the City of Unley e-waste recycling service, by way of subsidising e-waste disposal at a local Waste Transfer Station. The other options include in addition to this either implementing or trialling a regular/recurring e-waste disposal system by uitlising either the Works Depot on King William Road or the Showgrounds.
The latter two options not only come at a significant cost to our rate payers but require council to set up the infrastructure.
In my mind the advantages of subsidising disposal at local transfer stations far outway the other options in that
the expense is minimal by comparison
the service is vaialble 7 days a week
we don’t have any security or occuptaion al health and safety issues
the distance of to travel is not that great that our rate payers won’t use it if the disposal is free.
Unley is but geographically a small council and this is one of thsoe servcies were it makes sense not to try being providing all services and facilities within our boundaries and run by us.
It will be interesting to see how the rest of my colleagues see this.