An alternative location is being proposed for the East Avenue Pedestrian Refuge after the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) expressed concerns with the proposed location because it would be placed in front of southbound buses and indicated they would not support it (this location).
The results of our public consultation were 13 in favour and 6 against, a total of 19 responses from 50 letters sent out.
Those in favour indicated it would assist pedestrians to cross East Avenue during morning and afternoon peak periods. Those against were concerned about the impact on private property access and the loss of 5 parking spaces. Two adjacent properties had particular issues regarding accessing due to the need to manoeuvre a caravan or trailer as the case may be into their respective property.
Whilst there was a majority in favour we will need to look elsewhere given the advice received from DPTI. As they would support a refuge south of the junction with Meredyth Avenue, meaning pedestrians would be clear of both north and south bound buses; our Road Safety Committee will have to consider when they meet next Wednesday recommending to Council that a new round of public consultation be commenced.
I hope this is not a repeat of Kelvin Avenue.
Goodwood South Ward could do with a project without enduring controversy.