With thanks to a citizen on Cromer Parade who made an observation about the consequences on the tram crossover when the train crossover is closed (as I posted back on the 22nd November) I can report the Eastern Courier has picked up on the concern.
The following is a transcript from an article in this weeks Eastern Courier.
TRAFFIC lights or lollipop guards should be put in place on a busy Forestville intersection when the Victoria St level crossing closes for nine months, Unley councillors say.
The crossing between Goodwood and Forestville will be closed from Monday, December 10, until August next year as part of the $110 million Goodwood Rail Junction upgrade.
This will mean drivers will be forced to detour off three streets Victoria St, Leah St and Leader St to make it to Goodwood Rd or Anzac Highway.
Goodwood South Cr Don Palmer said this would lead to congestion of the Leah St intersection.
“The potential is that locals are going to be disadvantaged,” Cr Palmer said.
“They’re not going to be able to break into the traffic from the southem rat-run.” Fellow Goodwood South Cr Jennie Boisvert has called for 20 years for the intersection to be fixed.
Proper signage about the closure and a lollipop man or woman would be needed during the closure, Cr Boisvert said.
“That corner needs work in any case,” she said.
“People will find alternative routes fairly quickly and people will get used to it but the goodwill that’s been extended could wear thin (if the closure takes longer than expected).” Councillors will approach council management to lobby the Transport Department to put extra controls in place.
“It’s not for me to tell them what’s the solution they’re the experts but temporary traffic lights would make sense,” Cr Palmer said.
Pedestrian and cycle access will remain open for most of the ninemonth closure as an underpass is built near Victoria St so Noarlunga Line trains can travel below the Belair Line and freight lines.
Signs will alert people when the crossing is completely closed.
A Transport Department spokeswoman said the contractors would consider setting up traffic controllers at the intersection to ease congestion when their trucks were using it. She said the department understood the inconvenience to residents and thanked people for their patience.
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