Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

The report on the Forestville LATM by GTA Consultants was presented to Council last night.


A thorough report I would suggest by GTA Consultants has identified all issues from recent traffic surveys conducted by Council and the public consultation last year.The report is a holistic report, identifying all issues in the Forestville, Everard Park zone.

The report is not just about Leah Street, or what the recent installation of speed cushions has meant to Everard Avenue and First and Second Avenues. It covers an area bounded by the tram corridor to the south, Anzac Highway in the west, Leader Street to the north and the train corridor to the east.

The report has suggested a series of possible solutions to the problems identified  by residents and the traffic survey. It (the Forestville LATM report) then summarizes what they believe to be the preferred suite of solutions.

The consultants have determined a program that realistically is a 10 year program to implement.

Of interest to this Councillor, being the representative of the ward to the south of this area, is the speed cushions and  the observations about public transport.

On the first of these observations we sent the report back last night to have 3 specific options recommended for further public consultation, rather than the suite that have been put in front of us thus far. 3 options which include a group of complimentary initiatives. 3 options that include on the one hand the removal of the cushions, and one leaving them in place.

As far reaching as the report goes the impetus behind this LATM was the installation of the speed cushions and the removal of similar in Everard Avenue. So we (your elected body) want to ensure they remain the focal point of future discussion.

The question of public transport I will address in a separate blog post.

The public engagement area, much to the chagrin of those living south of the tram line, will remain the same as it was for the first consultation. I understand the rationale for this because to widen the consultation area begs the question, where do we set the boundaries. Do we extend it all the way to say Cross Road to catch users of East Avenue. Why not further down Winston Avenue.

Having said that Jennie and I are keen that those outside (south) of the area get a say and invite you to make observations about the speed cushions which have aggravated most of you since they were installed.