Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Golden Gnomes are popping up around the City of Unley. They are being received with enthusiasm from residents who have landscaped their verges.

As part of Councils’s Greening Verges initiative to convert dolomite verges, Golden Gnomes are popping up around the City of Unley. A number of our residents have taken advantage of incentives we have provided to green their verges. We felt it was important to recognise some of those residents.
Students from the Concordia College Year 12 came to our assistance. Their community service volunteer program have assisted us to paint 30 small gnomes, develop thank you tags and select recipients.
The students, in teams of two, selected their favourite greened verge in each of our Wards. Five random streets were selected per ward and their favourite greening rewarded. Gnomes and thank you’s were provided by the students during the last week.
The thank you tags say the following:
“Congratulations you have been awarded a Golden Gnome!
Thank you for gardening your verge and helping make the City of Unley green and beautiful. This recognition project is a collaboration between the City of Unley and students at Concordia College. This Golden Gnome was decorated and delivered by Year 12 students from Concordia College and their involvement is one of the ways the students are serving the Unley community through their Pastoral Care Program.”
This is a small but fun project. It acknowledges a handful of residents that have been gardening and maintaining their verges prior to council incentives being offered. The students have enjoyed the project and learnt about the importance of plants in urban areas.