Some 600 people attended the Goodwood Junction information session this afternoon and most I believe left there feeling better about the project.
DPTI provided a lot of material explaining the project. This included Maps and a drive through DVD.
They also have a number of staff there to answer questions. I believe most people have had their questions answered and to their satisfaction.
I spoke to a number of people and I believe, in the main, they are happy to finally have some knowledge on the project. I believe the majority see this as a worthwhile project and can now see the benefits of a project completed.
Well done DPTI.
There were a number of people however who expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of consultation
to date and some who did not approve of the project and believe for varying reasons that the fight train should go through Truro.
Unfortunately there were also a few people who, based on conversation
with me, may have had incorrect answers given on the day. I have already spoken with DPTI management to correct these in their forward communications with residents.
This particularly applied to questions on issues concerning the rail electrification, Greenways and Brownhill Creek. I had expected that information on these three separate projects would be available on the day but this was not so, meaning some guesswork with answers.
One such guess had Council responsible for the Greenways project and therefore responsible for any property acquisitions that might occur at the Emerson Station end of the line.
This also applied to questions on timelines and pedestrian access across the trains during the project.
Answers given were incorrect including suggesting that the pedestrian access over the tracks would be closed for the duration of the project. This is not so with access at Fairfax Avenue and Arundel Avenue remaining open most of the time.
Of upmost importance is the commitment by DPTI to continue to consult from now on, by means of newsletters etc. I of course expect regular updates so anyone not hearing from them can keep on top of the project through my blog.
Jennie and I will continue to monitor the project in order to enusre minimaum disruption to your life.
Thanks for your dedicated support on this project.
It was good meeting you on the day.
I have your card on my fridge as a hot number to call.
I’m pleased you are my local Councillor.