Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

As a result of concerns expressed by a resident in Oakley Avenue recently about the layout of safety barriers and direction signs for the current preparatory works for the Goodwood Junction Project.


The concern was prompted by an accident between car and bicycle caused apparently by confusion. It was also prompted by concerns that cars parked legally one minute but illegally the next because no parking signs were erected after the car was parked.
Jennie & I liaised with that resident, and another and it appears that the situation in that area has now settled down. Workers there made some modifications and the flow of vehicle, bike and foot traffic appears to be working well.
The concerns raised prompted me to call a meeting with our management so that we can identify potential hazards going forward as other areas are blocked off when the real works commence. A let’s encourage, with our help, DPTI to be a bit more proactive to reduce public negativity.


Jennie & I prompted a number of questions of our management to put to DPTI, noting that the real works are due to start:


ü  The Brownhill Creek Culverts December 17 ….. like that is only 1 month and 3 days away.

ü  The excavation for the underpass ….. January 1.

ü  What has come out of the meeting is


With the culvert works about to commence a key question is what will be the final outcome for the Brownhill Creek diversion at Forestville Reserve? Steph Keys is soon to call a meeting of residents very soon regarding the impact of the stormwater designs on Forestville Reserve. DPTI are also we are told to hold a further public meeting, possibly for December 1.

They are reviewing haulage routes, noting they were planning to us Leah Street, which of course has finally had the humps installed. We were given alternates last bight but I will wait confirmation before considering publishing them.


I also took the opportunity to re-raise a question I have prompted before concerning dilapidation surveys. Residents houses may be impacted by the works and dilapidation surveys should be conducted in my opinion of each house in the area. Council will be conducting a survey of our infrastructure, kerbs, roads, footpaths etc and our arborist is spending countless hours to ensure nothing untoward happens to our significant trees.


If approached by DPTI to have a dilapidation survey done on your property I encourage you to accept this and to request a copy of the survey for your own records. This is the best way of ensuring any damage caused to your house by excavations or other work can be demonstrated as having likely been caused by the same.