Following on from my post of 11 September last I can now advise that the people of this newly formed group, be they club representatives or residents, are (in the absence of control being exercised by Council) taking ownership of the Group and has a web site of its own.
As I noted in my last blog this new committee met for the forts time on 11 September. A number of key issues were acknowledged and is evidence of the need for a strong representative group to liaise with Council on issues of relevance to this precinct.
One of these is that at this stage there are only two resident representatives, and as indicated on the website (see below) we are keen to have more resident representatives. Unfortunately Council received only a limited response when calling for resident representatives.
Taking interest in joining the group is canvassed on the website. I encourage you to have a look at
If you are interested I encourage you to contact the chair of the group Greg Wilson, whose details are on the website. He will then liaise with council to ensure eligibility and provide an invitation.
As before, watch this space for more.