The re-badged formerly called Goodwood Advisory Group is set to meet for the first time in the first week of September.
The new group is made up of resident representatives, representatives of the various sporting clubs using the oval and surrounds and three elected members, Bob Schnell (representing Goodwood Ward) and Jennie & I representing Goodwood South Ward.
This will provide an opportunity for the clubs and residents to discuss items of mutual interest, and like the previous advisory group, ensure there is a good relationship between all users of the oval and its surrounds.
The first meeting is likely to be an opportunity to simply get to know each other, be advised on the changes to the terms of reference and have a discussion about purpose of the committee and its goals
The meeting will also look to appoint a Chairperson (and minute taker if required) and agree dates for future meetings. It will be up to the committee to determine how often they will meet.
I expect our council staff will update the committee on the Goodwood Oval and Millswood Reserve Master Plans. The group is bound to want to contribute to this.