The SMA (Stormwater Management Authority) has approved the Stormwater Mitigation proposal that was agreed in principle last year by the 5 Councils including our own to flood proof the Brownhill Creek and Keswick Creek areas from the nominal 100 year flood.
The plan approved covers 80% of the recommendations put by Worsley Parsons some back. The contentious issue of the dam is yet to be resolved however. We have twelve months to all come to an agreement on the issues surrounding the dam.
This is not a green light for work to commence however, as the funding is yet to be agreed. Federal and State Government funding was promised to match the contribution form each of the councils but confirmation is now awaited given approval by the SMA has now occurred.
Notwithstanding funding each council will need to budget for the works and this will take years to complete, being such a large project.
Work may be ready to start within the City of Unley boundaries having said that in the near future up at Ridge Park. More on that later.
Having said that, as readers to this blog site would know, culvert diversions are currently underway in Goodwood as part of the Goodwood Junction Railway project (for reasons previously noted in other posts on this blog).